Project Charter Template

The project charter defines the scope, goals, and participants of the project. It defines the roles and responsibilities and also specifies the outlines of the project’s goal, it highlights the stakeholders as well as the authority of the project.

The essence of the project is contained in the project charter Template. It also gives a better understanding of the project. This makes a fine communication between the sponsors, stakeholders, and team members and consists of a brief document that has all the details about the request for the proposal.

The charter makes the layout of authority that is assigned to the manager of the project. It is considered best in the project lifecycle. There are many key features of this project template that Is very helpful in the project management.

Project Charter Template

The key points of the project charter template are as follows

  • It provides you the reason to clearly understand the project.
  • Highlights the objectives of the project so that they can be achieved efficiently.
  • It provides the best directions to the solution of any problem.
  • This is helpful in identifying the stakeholders and other participants
  • It also gives the difference between the productive and non-productive items of the project
  • This is helpful in the risk management
  • This Template provides you with ways to focus on the benefits of the project.

The project charter is created in the initial stages of the project life cycle. Every charter that is considered effective must have some inputs that include the project statements, business case, commitments, and expectations, etc.

How to Write a Project Charter Template?

There are some priorities that collectively made a project template effective for any project. In this article, we shall discuss those key points that are considered valuable while writing a project charter.

  • Basic Information

It contains the completion date, the name of the manager of the project as well as the name of the project.

  • Goals of Project

It includes information about the desired outcomes. Goals are set accordingly.

It includes the following questions as well

  • Why the project is established?
  • What is its impact on the health of an organization?
  • How to achieve the desired goals?
  • What needs to be done?
  • Budget and Resources

Give details how much the project will cost as well as the other resources require are also discussed here

  • Project Manager and Staff

List all the information about the manager and the staff members. Assign them their roles and responsibilities as well.

  • Deliverable

Discuss in detail the deliverable that your company will deliver after the accomplishment of the project.

  • Scope and Risks

Clearly define your scope and remove the risk if any, at the start of the project. It should give the directions to mitigate the risks throughout the life cycle.

  • Milestone and Schedule

The project charter must define the milestone and the schedules to measure the progress of your project.

  • Team Roles and Responsibilities

Mention the people involved in a project and also list their roles and responsibilities to make sure the progress of the project.

The best way to make a project charter template excel is to make it visual and it must be collaborative. It does not matter what is the format of the project it must be shared with all the team members because the success lies in this way.

  • Approval

It must contain a section for the approval of documents by the stakeholders.

Categories of the Project Charter Template

Exce3l provides a variety of templates to make your work smooth and flexible, in the case of this template, a variety lies as well. These are the following categories of the project charter Template Excel

Agile Project Charter  plan Template

An agile charter template is a type of project with the help of which project is aligned with the strategy of the organization. It also gives the directions to the solution of any problem related to the project and should be to the point. Agile project charter informs what is achieved by the project, the time for the completion of the project, the persons that will get benefit as well as the efficiency of the team.

It was created by the expert team of the project.

Agile Project Charter Template

An effective agile charter contains the following key elements.


It clarifies the” why” of the project. It gives the logic for the establishment of the project.


It defines the” what” of the project. It explains what plan should be adopted to achieve the desire goals.

Criteria of Success

It defines the impact of the project on your business. Whether your business is going towards profit or not.

Six Sigma Project Charter Template

Six sigma project charter is actually considering as commitment or agreement between the team of the project and the sponsors. It basically explains the expectations, expected by the team members as well as allows the team to focus on the has a fixed during with some starting point and the endpoint. If it takes more time the team has to reevaluate the template.

This also keeps the team on track according to the priorities of the process. This charter template clarifies the requirement for the success of the project. It enables the team to understand the scopes and objectives of the project in the best way possible. Six sigma project charter is actually the official authorization of any project in the form of a document.

Six sigma project charter template includes the main measurable objectives that are required to be achieved. Moreover, it explains the boundaries and scope. Six Sigma charter template is complete after the approval of the sponsor. It is important to share it with some stakeholders. Development of the Six Sigma project charter should be done at the initial stages of the project life cycle.

This document though looks very simple but it’s a challenging task to handle it. In order to develop it in the best way, possible the team has to concentrate on each and every element very carefully. There are some major elements of the six sigma project charter that are as follows.

Business Case

It explains the reasons why any project is to establish or plan. Quantifiable advantages also discuss here. It discusses the money to be saved for future use. It defines the benefits of the project to the company.

Article: Business Management Plan Template

Problem Statement

It states the problems arising in the project. What is wrong? Where does the problem occur? What is the intensity of the problem? (Size, magnitude, and severity of the problem).  It analyzes the problem very efficiently a gives reasons and causes for that problem. The main focus of the six sigma project charter is the problem not the solution to that problem.


This column includes a description of the goals and scope of the project. It discusses the achieveable target goals. It also focuses on the solution to all the problems the project is facing.

Goals Statements

The goals define the benefits obtained from the team’s collective work. It also provides approaches to solve the problem in the best way possible. This specifies the expected relief or benefits obtained from the team.

Project Plan

The project plan is usually in the form of a chart and it includes the milestones. It also explains the activities of the team members related to the project. This plan usually contains information about DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve and control). This also mentions all the information about the project. What things are required by the project plan to achieve success? It gives an estimation of activities when to start some work and the time limit in which it has to be finished according to the schedule given.

Related Article: Project Deliverables Template

Project Scope

It defines the boundaries of the project and also explains the parameters achieved. It explains how much the task is complete and achieves in comparison with the project scope.

Team Structure

It defines the important resource that are the manager, leader, sponsors, and team members.

Program Charter Template

The program charter template explains each and every aspect of the new project. This article will help you understand the program charter, its uses, and its benefits. A program charter also called the project charter, clarifies the scope, idea of the project. After the completion of the charter, it submits to the management for approval.

This document is important if you are trying to push for a new project. In order to use the program charter effectively, you should know about the ins and outs of the project as well as who is approving it.

As the program charter includes the approval process. This might be time taking process. Remember to make a plan for your plan before submitting the charter.

 Benefits of Program Charter Template

It also helps the manager to authorize the project in an effective way.

  1. This also defines the importance of business as well as the existence of the project
  2. It aligns the activities of the project with the business scope and goals.
  3. This template defines the outcomes of the project in the best way possible.
  4. Program charter template helps to meet the expectations of the contributors, so that focus on the project would be their first priority.

These were the benefits of the program charter template.


As we know that the Project Charter is an important part of every project. Without charter the managers and their team cannot be successful, they could be at a loss. The charter should be in every project.

Project Charter is very important for every business project so, you cannot ignore its importance. it is very helpful.

  1. What is Project charter By WIKI?
  2. project  Charter according to Project-Management
  3. Why Project charter template is important?

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